Calling all Doorkeepers
I’d rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God…..Ps 84:10 A doorkeeper might seem like quite a lowly occupation, but in reality they are very significant individuals. A doorkeeper observes the flow of human traffic and will step in to ‘defend’ the space if an unwelcome visitor approaches. In the psalm it contrasts this role with the alternative of living in the tents of the wicked. The contrast is obvious, but it is not just the environment which is in stark opposition to each other. God’s dwelling place is symbolised by a house whereas the wicked are in tents. One is static and the other moveable so that it can pop up wherever it is ‘planted’. The asset of infrastructure is a permanent reminder that we are ‘on the map’. We don’t use buildings to symbolise the presence of God like they did with the Temple in Jerusalem, but they are still significant reminders of the importance of Faith in society. The iconic frontage of the Royal Berkshire Hospital is a testimony to the importance...