
Showing posts from October, 2014
Nothing new about 'Evidence-based Healthcare' On the 18th October the church traditionally celebrates the Feast of St Luke. As Luke was a physician, church and health communities use this anniversary to celebrate the work of healing. In a book called ‘Pills for the Poor’ Samuel Rogal explores Wesley’s contribution to the physical well-being of his followers. ‘Wesley's campaign to relieve the physical suffering of the poor began in 1744-the same year in which he instituted the lending-stock at the Foundery to ease the financial burdens of his London converts. Armed with a generous supply of pills, nostrums, and elixirs-in addition to £30 with which to replenish his inventory-Wesley proceeded to dispense, free of charge to those who came to the Foundery, both remedies and medical advice. "I found," he noted in his journal for 6 June 1747, "there had been about six hundred in about six months. More than three hundred of these came twice or thrice, and we saw...