Tempered Radicals
This is the title of a book by Debra Meyerson in which she explores the characteristics of such individuals and their role within organisations. I am drawn to this work partly by the title which resonates with how I see myself, but also to the fact that it defines the role of such individuals within organisations. Debra draws attention to the word tempered and reminds us of the use of this word in relation to the process of hardening steel through heating and rapidly cooling. She also refers to the definition of tempered as being ‘in balance’. By this she infers that the individual concerned is neither extreme nor innocuous, but provides a catalyst for action. One of the roles that Tempered Radicals can facilitate is that of negotiator. She suggests that there are four stages that can help negotiation, 1. Stepping back. This is a way of looking at the bigger picture to help promote understanding. This is particularly helpful when the situation feels like a personal attack. Externali...