Advent Series number 2
John leading with humility – he must become more important while I become less important John 3.30 Listen to the sermon here NB You don't have to sign up with a dropbox account to download Coming expectantly How do we maintain our spiritual energy? What depletes us and what energises us? The Jews who came from Jerusalem to meet John were looking for something. They were spiritually hungry. Did they go away satisfied? How about us? What difference has meeting Christ made? Transformation – Trans – across (beyond) Formation – To create, bring into being. Paul says we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2) What does that mean? Making way for others. What blockages are there to God’s spirit at work in us? What do you make of John’s acknowledgement above(John 3:30 ) How can we learn to co-operate and not compete? What do we feel when our ideas are not the ones to be progressed? Ego has been defined as E dging G od O ut. Can you reflect on occasions w...