Spring into Easter

The picture opposite is of a colourful display of spring crocuses from a friends garden. Early spring flowers are such a treat after the drabness of winter. They lift our spirits and encourage optimism. A similar transformation takes place as we move through Holy Week. The darkness of betrayal, denial and death are replaced on Easter Day with excitement , wonder and joy. These contrasts in life are very important and are necessary to help us appreciate the depth of sorrow and the height of joy. As I write this we are all reeling from the sadness of the recent plane crash with 150 lives lost. The media is quick to give us the personal stories of both loss and narrow escape. The school mourning the death of sixteen pupils and two teachers returning from an oversubscribed exchange is just one of the many that touches us with great sorrow and pain.
The gift of human empathy is a precious response to such news and should never be underrated or dismissed as mere thankfulness that it was not one of our loved ones. Empathy engages our heart at a deep level and gives us the ability to try to see something from another’s perspective as if we were in their shoes. The Easter message is one of hope even in the darkness and so our prayer for all who suffer is that faith in the one who has gone to the depths for us will bring hope to all.  


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