On Tuesday 23 August we had a very joyful and uplifting welcome to our new Superintendent minister, Rachel Borgars. The District Chair, Andrew Wood, gave the address reflecting on the two passages that had been read earlier. The one from Isaiah 61 reminds us of Jesus’ own mission statement which he declared at the synagogue in Nazareth. This was to preach good news, proclaim deliverance, release the oppressed and give recovery of sight to the blind. The other reading was from Acts 2 when the people responded to the coming of the Spirit and formed the first Christian community.Both readings include an invitation to action. The good news of God’s love does not generate a passive response, it requires action. Of course we have to be careful that we don’t just busy ourselves and thus feel we are fulfilling our purpose as Christian disciples. Busyness is sometimes an excuse for not getting on with the important things in life. Rachel reflected on her Quaker upbringing which allows space for silence and waiting on God as well as action.
Rachel will need some time to establish her priorities, but she has already expressed her commitment to work with us as we explore the future together. She comes with a wealth of experience in ministry and we are very glad that conference appointed her to serve in our circuit. We are one of three congregations where she has pastoral charge, the others being Whitchurch and Kingsclere. The other half of her time will be given to circuit responsibilities as superintendent.
On a more personal note, she expressed her gratitude for the provision of an excellent manse, which, together with her son(Chris) and husband(Martin) they find very comfortable. She requests that people respect her day off which is a Saturday and only contact her on that day in an emergency.